Hi everyone, so today I prepared for you an article about how our thoughts influence our personality and afterwards our whole thinking, simply our view on the world, and also advice for enjoying every day of your life. Believe it or not, the way we think reflects on our life. Whatever we have on our minds we subconsciously pull to ourselves. We can for example imagine a test at school, an important exam or our work. When we believe we can manage it and we put everything into it, it really happens. The other way around, when we only cry and stress about it, we make ourselves believe it really won't happen.
If we want our dreams to come true and it to happen the way we want, we just have to go for it and not lose our hope. I know it looks too easy, but I personally came through times when I thought that the whole was against me and anything worked for me. Then I discovered yoga and meditation, what really helped me.
Ak chceme, aby sa nám splnili naše sny a stalo sa to tak ako my chceme, jednoducho musíme za tým ísť a nikdy nestrácať nádej. Ja viem, že to vyzerá až príliš jednoducho, ale sama som si prešla obdobiami, kedy som si myslela, že celý svet ide proti mne a nič sa mi nedarí. Vtedy som objavila yogu a s ňou spojenú meditáciu, ktorá mi veľmi pomohla.
Guide for meditation is very easy. You just need to find a really comfortable place where you will feel good. Close your eyes and focus on your breath and let it flow. Let your thoughts leave calmly. Focus on the present and stay in it.
Návod na meditáciu je úplne jednoduchý. Nájdete si hocijaké pohodlné miesto, kde sa budete dobre cítiť. Zavrite oči a sústreďte sa na svoj dych a nechajte ho plynúť. Myšlienky nechajte v pokoji odísť. Sústreďte sa na prítomnosť a ostaňte v nej.
Even though the guide looks too easy, it's a lot harder to do it, to empty our mind. Whether we want it or not, everyone has millions of thoughts in his mind and focusing on the present is very difficult. But don't discourage yourself, everyone who meditates once started and no one could manage to only think about the present for the first time. By everyday meditation you will definitely achieve it one day. :)
Aj keď návod vyzerá až príliš ľahký, praktika je naopak omnoho zložitejšia, čo sa týka vyprázdnenia si našej mysle. Či chceme alebo nie, každý z nás má v hlave milión myšlienok a sústrediť sa na prítomnosť býva veľmi zložité. Ale nenechajte sa odradiť, každý človek ktorý medituje raz začínal a nikomu sa nepodarilo myslieť len a len na prítomnosť na prvý krát. Každodennou meditáciou to ale určite jedného dňa dosiahnete. :)
Teraz by som vám rada napísala pár riadkov o tom, aké jednoduché je užívať si každý moment a radovať sa z prítomnosti. Sú to len moje typy, nič viac, to, čo mne vždy zaberie. :)
For me, the base is healthy lifestyle. I workout regularly and I try to eat healthy plant based food.
Pre mňa je základom zdravý životný štýl. Pravidelne športujem a snažím sa stravovať zdravo rastlinnou stravou.
Another advice is to travel. I know that not everyone can afford it, but there's always a solution. Maybe some sales on flights, stay, or not travelling by plane- you will find out that there's always something to discover.
No a nakoniec vám chcem len odkázať, že v podstate je úplne jedno kde ste a čo práve robíte, vždy môžte byť šťastný. Nemyslite na to, čo sa stane zajtra alebo akú chybu ste spravili včera. Žite v prítomnosti a potom budete skutočne šťastní. Zabávajte sa s kamarátmi, cvičte, trávte čas s rodinou, choďte na prechádzky, čítajte knihy... robte to, čo vás skutočne robí šťastnými!
Budem rada keď mi napíšete čo robí vás šťastnými a ako si užívate ten váš moment vy. :)
xx, Michelle
xx, Michelle
I love your point about how we can think positively about something - increasing our chances of it happening - or negatively, and make ourselves upset in the meantime for no reason! Very wise words, lovely post :)
Thank you so much Gabrielle! :)
DeleteI totally agree!! Thoughts and words always influence our daily lives and personalities.
ReplyDeletexx, Melissa
Yeah that's right! <3
DeleteJá osobně miluji ten pocit, když mám všechno hotovo a vím, že si můžu užít ničím nerušené volno :).
Súhlasím! :)
DeleteReally love this! x
Thanks :)
DeleteI agree- it's so incredibly important to take care of yourself.
ReplyDeleteWorking out (particularly swimming) eating good food and travelling, as well as surrounding myself with happy friends and family fills me with absolute bliss!
Also, I love your bi-lingual blog!
Thank you so much! Yeah it's really important be surrounding with good,friendly people who can make us laugh and also happy!
DeleteReally love your thought so much! And I really enjoy my happy moment when I watch a good movie, or just listen a good music! <3
Thanks! I love listen a good music too! :)
DeleteThank you! :)
ReplyDeleteI get most happy with the little things in life! Such a great post :)
Thanks! :)