
Animal testing

Hi everyone, today I'm going to tell you something about a topic I'm personally very interested in. I'm gonna tell you something about animal testing and also brands to avoid. It's very sad, that it's the 21th century and there is this problem. What more, there are tested products we wouldn't even think that are actually being tested like sanitary pads or detergents. It's kind of hard to find a cosmetics brand which doesn't test on animals, isn't expensive and hard to get. I hope this article will somehow help you to understand this topic and I will make you want to help this problem at least by small steps.

Ahojte, dnes som si pre vás pripravila článok na tému, ktorá mňa osobne veľmi zaujíma. Poviem vám niečo o testovaní na zvieratách a tiež značky, ktoré takúto krutosť praktizujú. Je veľmi smutné, že v 21. storočí je tu tento problém. O to viac, že testované sú aj produkty, o ktorých by sme to ani nepovedali, ako menštruačné vložky či čistiace prostriedky. Je celkom ťažké nájsť kozmetickú značku, ktorá netestuje na zvieratách, nie je drahá a je ťažko dostupná. Dúfam, že vám tento článok nejako pomôže orientovať sa v tejto téme a vzbudím vo vás záujem aspoň malými krôčikmi pomôcť tomuto problému.

There are two categories of people. Those, who are for abolition (me) and those, who are against. It really irritates me when those, who are against are obsessed with their pet. Like really? Not very fair. It's important to realize, that animals aren't humans, so tested products might react fine on animals' skin, but can be actually dangerous for humans. Imagine being thrown in a cage and spending your (short) life under artificial light somewhere in a lab where you'd be getting pricked doubtful liquids and stuff. Every year around 12 millions animals are dead because of animal testing. That's kind of a lot, isn't it?

Ľudia sa delia na dve kategórie. Tí, čo sú za zrušenie (ja) a tí, čo sú proti. Najviac ma irituje, keď tí, čo to podporujú majú doma milované zvieratko. Trošku nefér. Je dôležité uvedomiť si, že zvieratá nie sú ľudia, teda aj keď sa na nich testujú produkty, na koži zvieraťa môžu byť neškodné, no pre človeka nebezpečné. Predstavte si, že by vás zavreli do klietky a celý svoj (krátky) život by ste strávili pod umelým svetlom dakde v laboratórii a pichali by do vás pochybné vodičky a látky. Každý rok kvôli testovaniu produktov umrie asi dvanásť miliónov zvierat. To je cekom veľa, nie? 

I personally stopped buying tested cosmetics in October, when I got interested in this topic. It's also helped my wallet, since in drugstores, there's not a lot to choose from if you don't want to buy tested products. At the beginning it was hard, but now I don't think I would buy a Maybelline powder. Actually, the look itself at this cosmetics makes me disgusted, not talking about putting it on. That would be too much for me. Of course, I didn't throw away tested makeup I had already had at home, that wouldn't make any sense. I don't buy tested products anymore and I try to run out of what I have. I really don't want to support brands that practice this cruelty by buying their products. I know that me stopping buying it won't solve the problem. But if lots of people stop buying tested products, something will change. 

Ja osobne som si prestala kupovať testovanú kozmetiku v októbri, keď som sa začala viacej zaoberať touto témou. Tiež to dosť pomohlo mojej peňaženke, keďže v drogériách nie je veľký výber netestovanej kozmetiky. Na začiatku to bolo celkom ťažké, no teraz by som si len tak púder od Maybelline nekúpila. Vastne mi už len pohľad na túto kozmetiku príde hnusný, nie to si ním natrieť tvár. Samozrejme, už kúpenú testovanú kozmetiku som nevyhodila, to by skutočne nemalo žiadny význam. Nič nové si však nekupujem a snažím sa prirodzeným tempom zbaviť toho, čo mám. Skutočne nechcem kúpou produktov podporovať značky, koré praktizujú takú krutosť. Viem, že keď si nebudem kupovať testovanú kozmetiku tento problém nevyrieši. No ak s kupovaním prestane veľa ľudí, nejaký pokrok nastane. 

To help you orientate a bit, I will mention some brands most of us know. You can see full list of tested and not tested cosmetics here. Pay attention, not tested cosmetics isn't the same as vegan cosmetics! Some of the brands that do test: L'Oréal Paris, Rimmel London, Maybelline NY, Miss Sporty, Astor, Max Factor, Always, Dove, Fa, Almay, Avon, Benefit, Revlon, CoverGirl, MAC, YSL, Lancôme, Dior, Chanel (basically most of the luxury brands at least you won't be sorry for spending so much money :)).  Brand's that don't test: Essence, Catrice, DM brands, Lush, MUA, The Body Shop (although it's owned by L'Oréal, it doesn't test), Gosh, Makeup Revolution, Sleek, Gabriella Salvete, Zoeva, The Balm, Anastasia BH, Too Faced, Urban Decay, Oriflame, NYX and many more. 

Aby som vám pomohla zorientovať sa, uvediem ako príklad značky, ktoré pozná väčšina z nás. Kompletný zoznam testovanej a netestovanej kozmetiky si môžte pozrieť tu. Pozor, netestovaná kozmetika nie je to isté ako vegánska!  Z testovaných značiek je to L'Oréal Paris, Rimmel London, Miss Sporty, Astor, Maybelline NY, Max Factor, Always, Dove, Fa, Almay, Avon, Benefit, Revlon,
CoverGirl, MAC, YSL, Lancôme, Dior, Chanel (v podstate skoro všetky tie luxusné značky- aspoň vám nebude ľúto :)). Značky ktoré netestujú: Essence, Catrice, DM značky, Lush, MUA, The Body Shop (hoci ju vlastní L'Oréal, nie je testovaná), Gosh, Makeup Revolution, Sleek, Gabriella Salvete, Zoeva, The Balm, Anastasia BH, Too Faced, Urban Decay, Oriflame, NYX a ďalšie.

I hope I convinced you at least a bit about disadvantages of animal testing and you will join my club of refusers. Together we can change the world!

Dúfam, že som vás aspoň trocha presvedčila o nevýhodách testovania a pridáte sa do môjho klubu odmietačov. Spoločne zmeníme svet!

                                                                                                                       xx, Katy


  1. Thanks for sharing babe! It is indeed important to point this out! Xx Susanne - http://bagatyou.com

  2. This is very interesting! I honestly don't know which brands tested or not. So, thanks for sharing girl!


  3. Love this post, thanks for sharing!

    Would you like to support each other by following ? Let me know, I always follow back <3

  4. I went cruelty free last May/June. it was definitely the best decision I ever made and I can't believe I ever used to purchase makeup that was tested on animals. I actually wrote a similar blogpost on my experience going cruelty free a while back, that I'm yet to upload. I didn't throw out my old products either and I read loads of people do the same, so when I went cruelty free, it made me feel better. great post! xx


    1. That's amazing! I am really happy there is still more and more people that don't buy tested products :) Thank you xx

  5. Thanks for sharing the list of brands that are cruelty free! Super useful~

    Vivian | LIVE . IN . LOVE
